Fashion Week

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

First day up and running!

Hey guys,

So this is my first blog, and i have no idea how to use it! So im going to need some extra help getting used to it!

So let me tell you a bit about myself! I am 18 years old and i come from Jersey, a pretty small island kinda by england, kinda by france sort of thing. Its actually alright here. Nice in the summer Except there is hardly anything to de, well not if you have lived here as long as i have!!!

I'm so into the latest fashion and what people are up to, so i like to be up to date will all the juicy gossip, and of course, as soon as i know anything you will all know something too!! Alot gets told ever here, so expect some pretty big things to be comming out. . . you are all going to LOVE it. Okay, so that sounds bitchy, but hey, if you dont want people to know your buisness, dont spread it like its a front coverr of some glossy magazine or something, right?

Soo i want to write when i get older, but im still young so this will do for now :)

I have loads of friends, who i totally support in all their decisions, and in return they support me too... amazing people. Thats what everyone needs in their life. Amazing people.

So one last thing before we start this thing for real, i used to have a few problems i.e OCD, BDD and an eating disored, been through it all. But im so glad i have come out of the side a better person. I want to help everyone so, please, if you need someone to talk to, i am the one. I know alot about well alot, and use it to help. But remember, im just also a friendly blogger too!!!

Hope you all enjoy this so keep reading for more intresting blogs!

Love Roxy <3

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